07 June 2012

Flow My Tears, The Policeman Said

Flow My Tears, The Policeman Said - Philip K. Dick; 231 pgs

So far, this definitely has to be my favorite book of the summer, which I guess is somewhat surprising to me, because so far it is the only book on the list by an author I haven't read before, and the only book I started without any expectations for at all. The main thing I liked about Dick's writing style is he pretty much only wrote exactly what was needed in the book to prolong the plot. That is a huge deal to me while reading. It is the reason I loathe anything I have ever read by J.R.R. Tolkien, because his books are just filled with useless nonsense, wasteful descriptions, and he rarely, if ever gets to the point (now, this opinion may seem to be in contrast to the glowing review I gave of Moby Dick, but the purpose of that book was to give the reader the experience of being a whaler, and to do that, the reader needed extensive knowledge of whaling.)

At the beginning of the story there were terms and concepts I didn't understand at all, (sixes, etc.) and I was worried that I needed to be familiar with Dick's earlier works to understand what was going on, but in due time in the book, all of my questions were answered, and I finished the book happy and satisfied. 

1,773 pages in 13 days for an average of 136.38.

1. Swine Not? - Jimmy Buffett; 256 
2. Moby Dick; or The Whale - Herman Melville; 870
3. The Stranger Beside Me - Ann Rule; 1,542 
4. Flow My Tears, The Policeman Said - Philip K. Dick; 1,773
5. Duma Key - Stephen King; 2,384
6. Things I Overheard While Talking to Myself - Alan Alda; 2,608 
7. Greenwich Killing Time - Kinky Friedman; 2,774
8. Murder in the White House - Margaret Truman; 3,009
9. Dexter in the Dark - Jeff Lindsay; 3,312
10. The Idiot - Fyodor Dostoyevsky; 4,080 
11. The Taking - Dean Koontz; 4,544
12. Things Fall Apart - Chinua Achebe; 4,753
13. Me Talk Pretty One Day - David Sedaris; 5,025 
14. Middlemarch - George Eliot; 5,761
15. Beloved - Toni Morrison;6,036

16. The Scarlet Letter - Nathaniel Hawthorne; 6,228
17. The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood - Howard Pyle; 6,368
18. The Bell Jar - Sylvia Plath; 6,612
19. Gadsby - Ernest Vincent Wright; 6,768
20. Pulp Fiction Selections - L. Ron Hubbard; 7,456
21. The Final Testament of the Holy Bible - James Frey; 7,856
22. Chili Dawgs Always Bark At Night -Lewis Grizzard; 8,125
23. The Greek - Pierre Rey; 8,573
24. The Pleasure of my Company - Steve Martin; 8,736
25. Fierce Invalids Home from Hot Climates - Tom Robbins; 9,200 
26. Possible Side Effects - Augusten Burroughs; 9,504
27. In Cold Blood - Truman Capote; 9,847
28. The Daybreakers - Louis L'Amour; 10,000

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