09 May 2012

256 Pagers

Not much explanation needed, I just noticed a lot of books were 256 pages long, wanted to see if I could make a whole list of them, with the exception of one book being 272 to make it hit the 10,000 page mark. You know, math.

Don't forget my official 10,000 Pages of Summer list can be found on the April 30 post.

256 Pagers

The Perks of Being a Wallflower – Stephen Chbosky 256
The Stickwick Staplers – Bernie Douglas 256
I Shouldn’t Even Be Doing This! – Bob Newhart 256
Forrest Gump – Winston Groom 256
Gump & Co. –Winston Groom 256

The Thing About Life Is That One Day You'll Be Dead – David Shields 256

The Vicar of Wakefield – Oliver Goldsmith 256
When Tomorrow Comes – Janette Oke 256
Damned – Chuck Palahniuk 256
Eternals – Neil Gaiman 256
The Songs of Distant – Arthur C. Clarke 256
Folly and Glory – Larry McMurtry 256
A Hole in Juan – Gillian Roberts 256
The Prosecution – Dudley W. Buffa 256
Gonville – Peter Birkenhead 256
Caravan to Vaccares – Alistair MacLean 256
Gunsights – Elmore Leonard 256
Monkey Shrines – Michael Stewart 256
King of the Holly Hop – Les Roberts 256
The Gunslinger – Stephen King 256
The Final Reflection – John M. Ford 256
The Ghost Horse – Les Savage, Jr. 256
A Brief History of Time – Stephen Hawking 256
Elephants Can Remember – Agatha Christie 256
The Spy Who Came in from the Cold – John LeCarre 256
Code Name Kill Zone – William W. Johnstone 256
A Lesson Before Dying – Ernest J. Gaines 256
All Shots – Susan Conant 256
The Chocolate Pirate Plot – Joanna Carl 256
Butcher Bird – Richard Kadrey 256
The Outcast – Luke Cypher 256
Lord of the Flies – William Golding 256
Holly – Jude Deveraux 256
Mindshadow - J.M. Dillard 256
Tricky Business – Dave Barry 256
The Darwin Awards II – Wendy Northcutt 256
The Final Warning – James Patterson 256
The Virgin Suicides – Jeffery Eugenides 256
The Choice – Nicholas Sparks 256+16

07 May 2012

The Short List

Now, keep in mind, these new lists are not my summer reading list, but just various examples I came up with of other reading lists of exactly 10,000 pages, in hopes of others joining in on the project.

This list maybe shouldn't be called the short list, because almost all of these books are long as jank, but the list is short. My goal was to get the 10,000 pages in as few books as possible, this is what I came up with.

Count of Monte Cristo – Alexandre Dumas 1488
Les Miserables – Victor Hugo 1376
War and Peace – Leo Tolstoy 1408
Battlefield Earth – L. Ron Hubbard 1050
Atlas Shrugged – Ayn Rand 1200
It – Stephen King 1138
Don Quixote – Miguel de Cervantes 1024
Shogun – James Clavell 1152
The Broken Gun – Louis L’Amour 164

Nine books. Not bad! I really wanted to do it with all the books in the list over 1,000 pages, but I couldn't get the numbers to work. Oh well.

And I have no idea why I said long as jank. I know that isn't a real phrase, they aren't even all real words. My apologies.

Don't forget to check the April 30 post for the list I will be tackling this summer.

04 May 2012

Classic Women

Well, after I completed my list of 10,000 pages, I thought it would be a neat idea if I came up with various other lists of 10,000 pages worth of books, and then other people of different interests could join in the 10,000 pages of summer without have to figure out the page count or whatever. It probably isn't a neat idea. So, the first list I made was classic books by women authors. Now, I formatted this list a little differently than my main one, I don't know why. It seems so much more confusing this way, but I divided it by author, but the individual page count of each book, and then put a page count for the author, then the running page count. Except the Bronte's, I put a total page count for all Bronte books, not a page count per author. And the last author, the last author I listed two books, but you only have to read one. If you read them both you will go over your page count. I just thought I would be nice and give you a choice. Well, it doesn't doesn't matter I guess, just trust me, it adds up to 10,000.

Jane Austen
Sense and Sensibility - 368
Pride and Prejudice - 424
Mansfield Park - 464
Emma - 462
Northanger Abbey - 254
Persuasion - 288

Charlotte Bronte
Jane Eyre - 624
Shirley - 624
Villette - 672
The Professor - 266

Emily Bronte
Wuthering Heights - 412

Anne Bronte
Agnes Grey - 180
The Tenant of Wildfell Hall - 496

Maria Susanna Cummins
The Lamplighter - 496

Kate Chopin
The Awakening - 128

George Eliot
Adam Bede - 346
The Mill on the Floss - 560
Silas Marner - 248
Romola - 648
Felix Holt, the Radical - 308
Middlemarch - 800
Daniel Deronda - 484

M. E. Braddon
The Golden Calf
Birds of Prey 448

I think most, if not all, of these are in public domain, so you can find them for free online or on your e-reader.

And don't forget you can see my finalized list on the April 30 entry.